Pastor Kent Christmas | Endure Hardness As A Good Soldier | August 21, 2024

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You’re watching KCMI TV, and I’m so glad you could join me today. We’re going to take a closer look at a verse from 2 Timothy, chapter 2, verse 3. In this passage, Paul writes to Timothy, and it’s important to know that 2 Timothy is one of the last letters Paul wrote, and he wrote it from prison. Understanding the context is crucial here because Paul wasn’t preaching to thousands; he was enduring a difficult, often unbearable situation. He was in prison, and it was a terrible place to be. Yet, his heart was still focused on exhortation and encouragement. It’s remarkable to see a man of God who had literally been taken up to heaven and received revelations from the Lord, yet here he was, writing from such a difficult place. You might wonder, why would God allow Paul to be in such a terrible position? But we all go through challenging times.

Paul’s words to Timothy were, “Endure hardship, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” The term “soldier” here refers to a champion of Jesus’ cause. There’s a common misconception that once you give your life to Jesus, everything becomes wonderful and prosperous, and yes, there are seasons where we experience joy. But the reality is that when you become a believer, there’s an exchange that takes place: you give your life to Jesus, and in return, He gives His life to you. As a believer, you no longer walk your own path or follow your own desires; you live the life of Jesus Christ. And when we look at Jesus’ life, it wasn’t easy. He said, “I have no place to lay my head,” and even after preaching, many were offended by Him. His own family didn’t believe in Him, and He faced constant challenges. So, the life of Jesus was not easy, and when you surrender your life to Him, sometimes your journey will include hardships.

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