Pastor Kent Christmas | Condemnation | July 31, 2024
You’re watching KCMI TV, and I want to thank you for joining me today. I truly believe that I have a message from the Lord to share with you. I was in prayer just yesterday when God began speaking to my heart about condemnation, and I feel led to address this topic today.
As a believer, we all face the battle with condemnation. It’s one of the most common struggles for those of us trying our best to serve the Lord. The enemy tries to bring condemnation into our lives, making us feel unworthy of God’s calling.
Condemnation from the enemy is designed to cause us to disqualify ourselves from the purpose God has for us. If you’re human, you’re going to make mistakes. The word “condemnation” means a damning sentence. The enemy wants you to pronounce judgment on yourself, preventing you from walking in God’s purpose for your life.
We all deal with this. Many times, we feel as if we have to be perfect for God to use us. But that’s simply not true. Romans 8:1 says, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.”
The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death. The devil will accuse you, saying that you’ve violated God’s law, but we no longer live under the law; we live under grace. That doesn’t mean we have a license to sin, but rather, we live under the power of God’s grace.
It’s important to understand the difference between sinning out of rebellion and sinning out of weakness. In the Old Testament, there were offerings for sins, but there was no offering for rebellious, willful sin. Rebellion happens when you know it’s wrong and do it anyway. But sometimes, we sin out of weakness. God looks at the heart and judges whether the sin came from a place of rebellion or weakness.