Divine Diamonds in the Dirt | Lisa Harper

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We Are Truly Blessed to Welcome Lisa Harper!

Today, we are incredibly blessed to have with us one of the world’s most outstanding communicators. Lisa Harper could be anywhere, but she chose to be here with us! She delivered an amazing message during Friday night’s Design Sisterhood event and gave an unforgettable sermon this morning at the first service. We are beyond grateful to have her here! Let’s give Lisa Harper a warm James River welcome!

Now, let’s all take our seats. That introduction was almost like an eHarmony profile—he added some filters! But truly, every time I have the undeserved privilege of being at James River, I feel like a mouse in a cheese factory—I just can’t believe I get to be here!

This morning, I woke up early to pray because I had a message on my heart that I had never preached before. I wasn’t sure if it was inspiration from the Holy Spirit or just the sugar rush from a “Purple Haze” at Black Sheep last night! So, I got up extra early to pray through it.

As I was praying, I was reminded of a beautiful experience I had with my daughter, Missy. I became a mother through the miracle of adoption seven and a half years ago, and just before the pandemic, I had the blessing of taking her to Paris for Thanksgiving. It was an unforgettable trip—she was nine years old at the time. We explored the Eiffel Tower, cruised the Seine River, stayed on the Champs-Élysées, and devoured way too many chocolate crepes! I’ve been living in stretchy pants ever since!

The highlight of our trip was visiting the Louvre. When we arrived, the museum staff was directing tourists to different wings to avoid overcrowding. Our hostess encouraged us to visit the modern art section filled with abstract triangles. Now, I mean no offense if you have one hanging over your fireplace, but abstract art just doesn’t do it for me!

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