You Are More Than You Think—Why God Is Mindful of You: Stephanie Ike Okafor

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Never see your life as something you are navigating alone. You are in partnership with God. He has assigned you specific territories, and He never intended for you to figure it all out on your own. No—God wants to walk with you, to accomplish His purpose alongside you.

When He gives you dreams and visions about your destiny, He is not misleading you. He is revealing the life He has planned for you. Trust in Him, for His word is true.

Thank You, Lord!

Lord, we praise You! We give You all the glory and honor. We love You, God, for in You we live, move, and have our being. Without You, where would we be? If not for Your mercy and goodness, our lives would be without purpose.

Just as You took David from being a shepherd boy and made him ruler over Your people, You are lifting many today. You are working behind the scenes, orchestrating their destiny. Even when they are unaware, You have already sent a “Samuel” their way—whether in the form of a contract, a promotion, a position, or an opportunity. You are preparing to anoint them for the calling You have placed on their lives.

As they remain faithful in their current season, You are setting the stage for their testimony: “Lord, You have taken me from here to there!”

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