The Grim Reality of the Last Days (Mark 13:1-13)
Exploring the Gospel of Mark and the Future Study of John
Let’s turn to the Gospel of Mark, a familiar and cherished passage. As I’ve reflected on what we might study after completing Mark, I’ve considered taking a brief summer break with Patricia before resuming. Many have suggested that we dive into the Gospel of John next—approaching the story of Christ from a completely different perspective, through the eyes of John. Remarkably, it has been 40 years since we last explored John’s Gospel, which speaks to how deeply people love the story of Christ. No matter how many times we study it, we always crave more.
The World’s Uncertainty and the Relevance of Scripture
We are all realizing that this world is a dangerous place. At any moment, we can find ourselves caught in a war that we had no part in, becoming victims of greed, hatred, and power struggles among leaders. Today, we see conflict spreading across the Middle East, involving nations in a no-fly zone over Libya and a global coalition against Muammar Gaddafi. Before it ends, thousands—if not tens of thousands—will lose their lives. Unfortunately, such devastation is nothing new.
Beyond war, natural disasters constantly remind us of life’s fragility. Earthquakes, tsunamis, famines, fires, and floods disrupt lives across the world. Even though this planet carries the marks of divine creation and God’s provision, danger lurks in the midst of these blessings. The very resources that sustain us—food, water, and civilization itself—can also bring destruction. Disease, food contamination, and environmental threats are ever-present risks.