Best sermon 2023, Watch online sermons of famous preachers

ESTO VOLARÁ TU MENTE – Dr. Bruce Lipton en español

ESTO VOLARÁ TU MENTE – Dr. Bruce Lipton en español Hey!! El dia de hoy les tengo un video con el Dr. Bruce Lipton en donde nos explica la biologia de la creencia, y nos da varios ejemplos de como hacer uso de nuestra energía con una analogía muy buena!!   [...]

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CAMBIAS TU REALIDAD – Dr. Bruce Lipton en español – Domina tu mente

CAMBIAS TU REALIDAD – Dr. Bruce Lipton en español – Domina tu mente En esta ocasión, Bruce Lipton nos enseña a reprogramar el subconsciente. Hey, me encantaría que te suscribieras a mi canal, y si gustas, asegúrate de presionar la campana de notificación, de lo contrario, no recibirás información sobre nuevos videos.   [...]

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NO PUEDES SER RICO, SI TE SIENTES POBRE – Bob Proctor español ¿Por qué ir por la vida exhibiendo los rasgos de una personalidad sometida? ¿Qué significa sentirse pobre y qué comportamientos de la vida cotidiana impiden atraer riquezas? Analicemos esto juntos y ten presente, que la lección de hoy no es para juzgar, sino [...]

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CONVENCE A TU MENTE, A PENSAR ASÍ PARA LOGRAR CUALQUIER COSA | Bob Proctor Español Sé que sabes que el pensamiento positivo es importante para lograr las metas que te propongas, la oración y la visualización también son fundamentales. Pero existen otros aspectos que no puedes dejar de lado y hoy los vamos a enumerar [...]

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SI TE HABLAS ASI… VAS A TENER LO QUE DESEAS | BOB PROCTOR Hay muchos factores en los que necesitamos trabajar: como las creencias, el entorno, los hábitos, las estrategias que usamos… entre otros. Pero muy pocas veces, una persona se sienta y se pregunta: ¿que sale de mi boca? ¿qué hablo la mayor parte [...]

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No Se Ofenda por los Problemas -2 | Joyce Meyer

No Se Ofenda por los Problemas -2 | Joyce Meyer ¿Quieres aprender a confiar en Dios incluso cuando tienes un problema? Hoy, Joyce comparte historias con las que te identificarás y que puedes aprender. Síguenos en nuestros canales de redes sociales   [...]

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Cuando a la Gente Buena le Pasan Cosas Malas | Joyce Meyer

Cuando a la Gente Buena le Pasan Cosas Malas | Joyce Meyer Las circunstancias difíciles son grandes oportunidades para el crecimiento personal. Obtén consejos que te ayudarán a enfrentar las pruebas de la vida con una actitud pacífica. Síguenos en nuestros canales de redes sociales   [...]

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Las Caracteristicas de un Corazon Perfecto -1 | Joyce Meyer

Las Caracteristicas de un Corazon Perfecto -1 | Joyce Meyer ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado si estás haciendo lo suficiente para Dios? Hoy, Joyce habla de lo que significa amar a Dios y vivir con un “corazón perfecto.” Síguenos en nuestros canales de redes sociales   [...]

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Las Caracteristicas de un Corazon Perfecto -2 | Joyce Meyer

Las Caracteristicas de un Corazon Perfecto -2 | Joyce Meyer La visión de Dios para nuestra vida es a menudo mucho más grande de lo que nos damos cuenta. Hoy, Joyce comparte cómo poner Sus planes en acción práctica. Síguenos en nuestros canales de redes sociales   [...]

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Dejando Atrás a la Multitud -1 | Joyce Meyer

Dejando Atrás a la Multitud -1 | Joyce Meyer ¿Dios te está alejando de “la multitud” con la que andas? Anímate a seguirlo cueste lo que cueste. Síguenos en nuestros canales de redes sociales   [...]

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It is not a secret that Jesus is coming again unto this world and He left us with a message for the world. A message of hope, a message of peace, a message of Love, a message of Joy and a message of Life, to deliver it to the whole World. Jesus is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world, He is the giver of life to them all that believes in him. Jesus is coming again. It will not be long, the son of Glory will appear in His splendor and every eye will behold Him in the four corners of the world. The saved will be taken to eternal Glory and the fate of the unsaved shall be full of pain. JESUS IS COMING AGAIN!

Welcome to our site, it is one of the best websites for watching and streaming popular sermons online, Bible studies, devotions, motivations and live Sunday services by famous Preachers. Free online sermon videos have risen above expectations in the sole purpose for which the website was created in rendering services to people all over the world, by bringing the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in various forms to their very presence online.

About preaching online sermons

On the site you can listen to sermons online, as well as get acquainted with Bible studies, Мotivational Messages and Testimonies gathered from God’s generals all over the world in our present time. It has become if not the best, one of the best websites for having easy access to Sermons gathered across the world. The project “ Sermons Online” was created in early 2014. It was created at a time that the devil had risen against the Church of God, causing many to fall from their path of righteousness. As at 2014, the population of the kingdom of God in Many parts of Europe had gone down by half in early months. Even the body of believers had to go through a lot. To some, going to Church became a problem and Spiritual growth had sunk to the deep. The founder of this website and his Family had to go through the same problem. Being a Christian with His spiritual senses opened, He identify there was a spiritual attack on the Church through advanced technological methods.

Being spiritually led, He set off on a journey to bring the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus preached by pastors all over the world to a place where it could be easily accessible at a free cost. This website was created so that, Christians can find a catalog with free online sermon videos, Bible Studies, Daily Devotions, Motivational messages, Testimonies and Bible studies tools available online. There are a lot of videos, podcasts and sermons from about 50 well-known preachers all over the world and still counting. All sermons are on church’s YouTube channels and personal channels of preachers. The time is now to turn the world up with the message of Truth and this is what we stand for.


Being humbled before all, sermons online administrators brings to you a catalog of Sermons and we update it every day. On this site, you can find many Sermons, Bible studies, Daily Devotions, Motivational messages, live streaming and Sunday Services that are available for free watching and allowed for sharing on the Internet. All sermons are on church’s YouTube channels and personal channels of preachers. At Sermons Online, you can listen and watch Sermons by famous and popular pastors online for free. We also provide you with live streaming and live Church services by famous Pastors. Sermons online today has become a blessing and a great source of reference to many believers all over the world as they come into contact with the mighty and spirit filling sermons by famous pastors.


To find popular sermons online is so easy. The website has been made simple to be understood and used by all. After watching the popular sermons online, you can easily navigate your way through to your favorite pastor in Europe, America and Africa. These catalogs of sermons are arranged in a way that you can easily choose from.


Sermons Online is easy to use. The website has being made simple to be understood and use by all. At sermons online, you can easily navigate your way through to your favorite pastor in Europe, America and in Africa. These catalogs of sermons are arranged in a way that you can easily choose from.

If you have just become a Christian and needs to know more about salvation, we advise you to listen to sermons by:

  • Billy Graham
  • David Wilkerson
  • Derek Prince
  • Andrew Wommack
  • and videos from The Bible Project.

If you need to hear about God’s love, Sacrifice and Hope given to us, we recommend you to listen to sermons by:

  • Bill Johnson
  • Joel Osteen
  • Jentezen Franklin
  • John Gray
  • Joseph Prince
  • Joyce Meyer and others.

If you don’t understand how the Bible can help you in today’s modern technological world and How we can change the world through technology, you need sermons by

  • Steven Furtick
  • Michael Todd
  • TD Jakes
  • Jon Jorgenson and others.

You will be amazed at how correctly the Bible answers all the questions of the 21st century. We highly recommend that you watch the videos from Frank Turek and Kent Hovind. Which has simple answers from the Bible to difficult questions for all people.

In our catalog there are also many videos about the problems in marriage. You can find these videos in the Jimmy Evans`s sermons section.


To share God’s Word, reaching up, reaching out, reaching in and Making it easier to find sermons online.


To be a Biblical functional community of Believers seeking to know Jesus and to make Him known unto the world.