Best sermon 2023, Watch online sermons of famous preachers
Adrian Rogers: The One True God
Adrian Rogers: The One True God Now more than ever before, in our spiritually confused society, we need a fresh glimpse of the one true God. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares Isaiah’s vision in Isaiah 6 to reveal three things about the one true God. *YouTube is a free video and audio streaming service [...]
Read more..When Trials Become Our Teacher | Dr. David Jeremiah | Job 2:1-13
When Trials Become Our Teacher | Dr. David Jeremiah | Job 2:1-13 Message Description: Do you ever feel like Satan has been given special permission to torment you, and only you? That’s the backdrop to the story of Job. Dr. David Jeremiah reminds us that, ultimately, God is – and always will be – completely [...]
Read more..Oracion de la Mañana De Hoy Viernes 10 de Noviembre – Salmo 56 Tiempo De Orar
Oracion de la Mañana De Hoy Viernes 10 de Noviembre – Salmo 56 Tiempo De Orar Oración de la Mañana del día de Hoy Viernes 10 de Noviembre 2023 Nuestro Sitios y Redes Sociales Prohibida su reproducción total o parcial, o realizar una copia sin autorización del Canal Conlleva a un reporte Legal con Youtube [...]
Read more..Adrian Rogers: Five Minutes After Death
Adrian Rogers: Five Minutes After Death Death is unavoidable, but it is not the end. Our eternal destiny waits for us five minutes after death. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares what Jesus says about life, death, and destiny, according to Luke 16:19-31. *YouTube is a free video and audio streaming service which may utilize [...]
Read more..The Sin of Sodom On Display in America l Voddie Baucham
The Sin of Sodom On Display in America l Voddie Baucham The Sin of Sodom On Display in America l Voddie Baucham Voddie Baucham Sermon Genesis 19:1-11 is a clear statement on the sin of sodomy. Unfortunately, there are many in the “Christian” community who have come to doubt, or even refute this fact. The [...]
Read more..Voddie Baucham: The World, the Flesh, and the Devil
Voddie Baucham: The World, the Flesh, and the Devil To become a Christian is to be enlisted in a war, one that is fought on three main fronts. In this session, Rev. Voddie Baucham will remind us how the world, the flesh, and the devil work against the kingdom of God. He will explain why [...]
Read more..God’s Wisdom | Victoria Osteen
God’s Wisdom | Victoria Osteen The Bible says if we need wisdom, we only need to ask God for it. When you seek His wisdom, God will do incredible things in your life! [...]
Read more..The Parable of the Three Talents | Tony Evans Highlight
The Parable of the Three Talents | Tony Evans Highlight Dr. Tony Evans challenges us to evaluate how we utilize the time, talents, and treasures entrusted to us by God. Using a parable as a backdrop, he emphasizes the responsibility to invest what is given for the advancement of God’s kingdom. Dr. Tony Evans is [...]
Read more..Todd White – My Testimony
Todd White – My Testimony Todd White was a drug addict and atheist for 22 years. In 2004 he was radically and miraculously set free when a gun fired at him and he should have died but instead heard God speak to his heart, “I took that bullet for you, now are you ready to [...]
Read more..You Need HIM – Todd White
You Need HIM – Todd White Lifestyle Christianity exists to see a generation walk in their God-given identity by equipping people to encounter Jesus daily and walk like He says we can. Founder and President Todd White was a drug addict and atheist for 22 years before he was radically set free in 2004. Todd’s [...]
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