” Let’s talk about it – Preparing for marriage ” – Pastor Paula White-Cain

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Preparing for Marriage: Key Insights and Relationship Statistics

Tonight, we’ll dive into some spiritual insights on preparing for marriage, but before we go deep, let’s explore a few interesting statistics and facts related to dating and relationships. These findings, based on research from psychologists, statisticians, and relationship experts, offer a glimpse into what many people experience in their dating lives. So let’s start with some lighter topics before we move on to deeper spiritual teachings.

1. Relationship Milestones: Couples typically wait until the 6th or 8th date before deciding to enter into an exclusive relationship. Interestingly, the most common time for breakups is around the 3 to 5-month mark. It’s also been found that if a man can’t decide what to wear on a date, he should consider wearing blue. Studies show that women are more attracted to men dressed in blue, so gentlemen, keep that in mind next time you’re heading out!

2. Unmarried Population: According to the US Census, there are nearly 95.9 million unmarried individuals in the United States—47% of them are men, and 53% are women. This means there’s plenty of opportunity to find someone special, so don’t fight over the same person!

3. Instant Attraction: Psychologists at the University of Pennsylvania analyzed data from over 10,000 speed-daters and found that most people make decisions about attraction within the first 3 seconds of meeting someone. In fact, nearly 40% of men admit they feel less confident when meeting a woman for the first time. Does this sound accurate to you?

4. First Impressions Matter: Studies show that a man’s body language accounts for over 80% of a woman’s first impression, even before he speaks. Standing up straight is a key factor in making a positive impression. Furthermore, if you want to build a stronger connection with someone, try saying their name at least twice during the conversation—it shows attentiveness and builds rapport.

9. Relationship Red Flags: There are five types of women that men tend to avoid: serial flirters, those who talk about marriage too soon, clingy women, the party girl, and the “drama queen” who talks too much.

Now that we’ve explored these fun facts, let’s shift our focus to something more profound. Let’s dive into the Word of God, starting with Genesis 2:18: “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make a helper suitable for him.”

This verse reminds us that it’s not good for a person to be alone. God provided a helper, someone to stand by us, support us, and guide us. As we prepare for marriage, let us seek God’s wisdom and guidance, and pray that His spirit leads us toward a deeper understanding of our relationships.

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