Is This Part Of The Plan? | Steven Furtick

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The Necessary Mess: How God Uses Chaos for His Purpose

The Holy Spirit revealed to me that in this series, we would discuss the necessary messes in your life. Right now, things may feel chaotic, but not because God has lost control or forgotten where things belong. It’s not because He has abandoned you. It’s a mess, but it’s a necessary mess.

Judas Had to Leave for the Holy Spirit to Come

For the Holy Spirit to come, Judas had to go—and I’ll prove it. Peter pointed out that it was written in Psalms when David spoke about Judas. He described Judas as a guide for those who arrested Jesus.

From our perspective, Judas appears to be the villain. He betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver, leading to His arrest. Just as Jesus was reaching the height of His ministry, Judas turned against Him. Judas is the villain, right?

By the way, I thank God for the Holy Spirit. This morning, while practicing this sermon, I kept misspelling the word “villain.” But the Holy Spirit prompted me, “Go check your dictionary app,” and I realized the A comes before the I. Sometimes, even in small things, the Holy Spirit keeps us from making mistakes!

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