
Loneliness | Billy Graham Classic Sermon

Loneliness | Billy Graham Classic Sermon Searching for God is so much more faith-building than searching for answers. Let Him comfort you with His presence today. And trust the answers to come in His right way and His right time. [...]

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Priscilla Shirer – How to Remain Faithful

Priscilla Shirer – How to Remain Faithful The promises God has put in your heart, what He’s whispered to you in the night, may not seem possible—it’s too big, it’s never happened for your family, you don’t have the experience. All your logic says there’s no way. That’s okay. Jesus said in Matthew 19, “Humanly [...]

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How To Love People That Are Hard To Love | Joyce Meyer

We are called to love. Jesus said, that we should love God and then love others as we love ourself. That can be easy sometimes to love the lovable, but what about those who get on our nerves or are difficult to love? Joyce encourages us with a few ways where we can begin to [...]

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Living In The Present | Joel Osteen

If you’re always focused on your past, you’ll miss what God is doing in the present. Don’t overlook the blessings He’s prepared for this moment. A true friend doesn’t run away when someone fails; they run to the person. Your friends don’t need you as much when everything is going great, they’re seeing dreams come [...]

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Who’s Got the Remote? | Joel Osteen

Who’s Got the Remote? | Joel Osteen Christ stooped down from heaven to be born in a manger. He stooped down to be mocked, betrayed, beaten, and even crucified. He didn’t have to. He could have said, “Father, I’ll pass on this assignment. Let Me stay up here on high.” But for your sake and [...]

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Voddie Baucham: Do Not Love the World

Voddie Baucham: Do Not Love the World First John 2:15–17 commands us not to love the world or the things of the world. Setting our hearts on the world is incompatible with love for God. In this message, Dr. Voddie Baucham reminds us of our call to stand against the world when we are called [...]

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Defeating the Enemy with Prayer | Tony Evans Sermon

Pastor Tony Evans preaches on how we can use prayer to stay connected to God and defeat the enemy. Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative and author of over 100 books, booklets and Bible studies. The first African [...]

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Lifestyle Christianity – Movie FULL HD ( Todd White )

Todd White was a drug addict and atheist for 22 years. In 2004 he was radically and miraculously set free when a gun fired at him and he should have died but instead heard God speak to his heart, “I took that bullet for you, now are you ready to live for me?” Todd believes [...]

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Better Together | Victoria Osteen

You weren’t created to do life alone. When you invest into the relationships in your life, you will be better prepared to withstand any storm! Victoria Osteen is the wife of inspirational speaker Joel Osteen. They are both professing Christians and travel the world speaking positive messages into the atmosphere. They have written books too. [...]

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Timing Is Everything – Bishop T.D. Jakes

Timing Is Everything – Bishop T.D. Jakes Do you have seed in the ground? As you wait to reap your harvest, understand the planting process is very much about timing. We want to see the fruit of our labor immediately, but the greatest things in life take time. Seeds grow down and then up. While [...]

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