You Said Yes to Jesus!

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Let’s take a moment to celebrate and thank God for the incredible work He’s done in you as you’ve made the decision to follow Jesus. Whether this is a brand-new commitment or a reconnection, I want you to know that we love you, we stand with you, and as a church, we’re here to help guide you step by step on your journey to becoming more like Christ.

You may have many questions right now, so let’s start with the basics: God loves you deeply. Through the perfect work of Jesus, all of your sins are forgiven, and you are now a new creation in Christ. You’re not just a better version of yourself – you’re completely transformed. Your old life is gone, and everything is made new.

No matter what has held you back – whether you’ve been trapped in sin, confusion, or pain – there is healing and freedom in Christ. The eternal life of Jesus is now living inside of you. So, what’s next? Let me share a bit of my story with you, and then I’ll guide you on what to do next.

I’ve shared this before, but here it goes: In college, I was living a wild life. Although I had grown up in church and knew about Jesus, I had never developed a personal relationship with Him. When I received a free Bible from a member of the Gideons organization, I began reading God’s Word. That’s when I realized that I could be saved not by my efforts or good works, but by Jesus’ grace. So, I prayed my own version of a salvation prayer, and in that moment, I became a new creation in Christ.

From that moment on, my life was completely changed, and I wanted to share the goodness of Jesus with everyone, but I didn’t know where to start. One of the first steps I took was to find a Bible-teaching church and connect with a community of believers who could help me grow, because I had so many questions. For instance, when I started dating Amy, I had to ask: “What’s okay as a Christian? Can we kiss? How much?” I had no idea! I also wondered, “When do I read the Bible? What should I do? What is God’s will for me?” Thankfully, surrounding myself with people who could guide me helped me grow faster in my relationship with Jesus through the support of a local church.

That’s why, as your pastors, we’ve gathered all the resources, questions, and next steps that we wish we’d had when we first started following Jesus. We’ve put them into a free booklet just for you, which includes a 21-day devotional to help you during your first few weeks as a disciple of Jesus. In this booklet, you’ll find questions about God, the Bible, prayer, and practical steps for growing your relationship with Jesus.

One of my favorite parts of the booklet is that it helps you connect with pastors and others who can pray with you, answer your questions, and help you figure out your next steps in following Jesus.

Now, let’s talk about what’s next. I want to encourage you to take two important spiritual steps soon. The first is to surround yourself with people who can support you—join a Life group. You might be asking, “Why is this important?” It matters because we’re not meant to go through life alone. Scripture tells us that we strengthen each other, and we need each other to grow as followers of Jesus. By joining a Life group, you’ll be part of a community that encourages and prays for each other, walking through challenges together.

The second step, which is exciting, is to go public with your faith through baptism. Baptism is a public declaration of the inner transformation Jesus has made in your life. It’s an outward sign that you’ve gone from death in sin to life in Christ. This is your chance to invite everyone you know to celebrate your life-changing decision with you.

These two steps—joining a Life group and getting baptized—are essential in your spiritual journey. We are so excited for you and can’t wait to walk alongside you as you grow in your faith.

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