Pastor Kent Christmas | We Need God | October 30, 2024

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You’re watching KCMI TV. Thank you for joining me today. I want to discuss something that’s deeply personal to me. This podcast has come to life through my pursuit of the Lord’s presence. In our church, we believe in miracles and the power of God, including casting out demons. However, there has been a shift within me. I told the Lord in prayer, “I’m no longer seeking miracles or Your power.” You might wonder, “Pastor, that sounds strange,” but it’s not. What I said to the Lord is, “What I’m seeking is You.”

Remember when God told Moses He would take him to the Promised Land, Canaan? He promised to send His angel ahead, but He Himself would not go. Moses responded to God, “I will not go if You do not go with me.” What Moses was saying was that Canaan and all its blessings meant nothing without the presence of God.

Many of us are in the same place today—miracles and God’s power are no longer enough. We need God to not just visit us, but to dwell with us. This podcast is birthed from that desire. Let’s lay the foundation by going back to the Garden of Eden, where God’s presence dwelled with man. The presence of God was with Adam because there was no sin in him. Romans 5:14 says that death reigned from Adam to Moses, but something happened with Moses that dethroned death.

For the first time, God began to live among His people. He calls them a chosen generation, a nation He calls His own. God commanded Moses to build a Tabernacle, where He would dwell. God told Moses to build it exactly as He described, because Moses was looking at the true Tabernacle in heaven. The Tabernacle had the Outer Court, the Holy Place, and the Holiest of Holies.

When Moses followed God’s instructions, death was dethroned. Through the blood of animals, sins were covered, but not cleansed. This sacrificial system had to be repeated annually. For the first time, God was living on earth, in the Holiest of Holies, within the Tabernacle.

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