Stories of Transformation – Matt (part 3 of 3)
Today, I had a life-changing experience that was truly unbelievable from start to finish. Words can’t even fully capture it, but it was incredible. You’ll have the same experience if you push through those moments when you feel like giving up, as Dr. Joe often says. When you make the effort, it’s just amazing.
There’s one thing I need to share, though—it’s a bit strange. I was lying down when someone sat next to me and placed their hand on my heart. I don’t know if I was imagining it, but I think it was a beautiful woman—or maybe a very handsome hippie. Then something shifted, and I was taken to another level. It felt like a lucid dream from start to finish. I was bouncing off the floor, bouncing in my chair, and sobbing with gratitude.
The feeling was pure love—love for everything. Nothing bothered me—no snoring, no rustling, not even the thought of breakfast. It was all about that breakthrough moment. When you break through, it’s incredible. You just know what you want, and nothing gets in the way. The key is to keep going until it happens for you. Once you experience even a taste of it, you’re on the right path—and you won’t stray from it.
When I returned home, it felt like I had come back to the most natural, judgment-free place. I get emotional just thinking about it. The experience has been life-changing. I encourage you to stick with it—no matter what. It’s been incredible for me since I started doing this work.
Think about this: If you hadn’t made the effort to attend this event—if you had found an excuse not to be here—would you have experienced something like this? You made the decision to retreat from your life and take part, and that was a crucial moment. By showing up, did you change your timeline? Absolutely. And is it possible that by doing so, you’ve become an example of hope for others? Not the kind of hope that’s based on wishing, but hope in the form of possibility. You show that it’s possible for anyone, no matter who they are.
This isn’t about the words spoken from up here; it’s about the energy shared. When someone connects with that loving intelligence, it transforms them. For me, that connection brought an overwhelming sense of gratitude, which is the highest state of receiving. As long as you stay in that state of reverence and gratitude, more experiences will come, and the divine intelligence will continue to guide you.
What’s amazing is how simple, sincere, and open the person is to the experience. That’s how they begin to understand the concept I’ve been teaching all week. For those of you dealing with health challenges or physical limitations, know that you can also experience moments like this. It may seem impossible when you’re facing obstacles, but it’s in those moments when you show up, even when you’re tired or have every excuse not to, that you have a date with the divine. And that’s a moment you can’t miss.
This person, due to their condition, probably made more effort for the divine than they would have if they were living in their comfort zone. Your challenges, the ones that seem difficult right now, will eventually make sense on a deeper level. When you make the effort, the rewards are more than worth it.