“Will Only a Few Be Saved?”
This message by Aleister Begg is made available by Truth For Life. For more information, visit us online at truthforlife.org.
Let us now turn together to the passage we just read, starting in verse 22 of Luke 13. For those visiting, we are currently progressing through a series of systematic, consecutive studies in the Gospel of Luke. Some of us have the advantage of already recognizing recurring themes and the development of key concepts.
As we reach the opening verse of this section in verse 22, Luke reminds us of where Jesus was going and what He was doing. This aligns directly with what we’ve seen from the beginning, as early as the first chapters of Luke. After healing many people, Jesus retreated to a solitary place to pray. At daybreak, His disciples found Him, and the people, eager to see Him, urged Him not to leave. But Jesus responded clearly, saying, “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to other towns as well. It’s kind of you to ask me to stay, and I know we’ve had a great time, but I must keep moving because this is why I was sent.”
This theme has been a recurring one throughout the chapters, and here in verse 22, Luke reminds us again that Jesus traveled through towns and villages, teaching as He was sent to do. Notably, in chapter 9, verse 51, Luke reveals that Jesus has now set His face toward Jerusalem, marking a decisive turn in His mission. In verse 51, as the time approached for Him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. Thus, Luke is not just providing a geographical note here but reminding us of the ongoing fulfillment of Jesus’ journey toward His ultimate destiny.