A Distraction Named David // Death To Distraction: Week 5 // Michael Todd
A Distraction Named David: Overcoming Comparison and Restoring Focus
I just stepped off the platform after delivering a message that deeply impacted me—one that God used to challenge, transform, and change me. This message is about eliminating the distraction of comparison. The truth is, we all struggle with comparison in some way, but God is calling us to surrender it to Him. If we don’t, we risk turning our allies into enemies.
This message will help you—in your relationships, friendships, and even in your marriage. It will teach you how to look at neutral situations without turning them into something destructive. The title of this message is “A Distraction Named David,” and I promise you—it’s not what you think. I’m excited about what God is about to do in your life!
If this message resonates with you, I encourage you to share it with someone else. Transformation begins with an invitation—so why not invite someone into a moment that could lead them to encounter Jesus and completely change their life?
Get your Bible, notebook, or phone—whatever you need to take notes—because this is important. We’ve been in this series for five weeks now, and if you haven’t caught up, I encourage you to go back and watch every message. The goal of this series is simple: to help you eliminate distractions and focus on what God has called you to do.
What’s surprising is that some people have been around God for so long that they assume this message doesn’t apply to them. I’ve had people—some even on my staff—say, “Oh, this is great for people who struggle with distractions.” But let me be clear: Pride will stop you from hearing God.
Don’t let pride make you spiritually deaf. This message isn’t for “other people.” It’s for you. Right now, think about the distractions in your own life—the ones that have kept you from fully stepping into God’s calling. Some distractions have become so familiar that you don’t even recognize them anymore. But just because they feel normal doesn’t mean they aren’t keeping you from your purpose.