Midnight Miracles are on the Way | Jentezen Franklin

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Midnight Miracles: Trusting God’s Timing

Take a moment with me to reflect on this familiar story. If you find yourself in a season where nothing seems to be happening—if you’re stuck at 11:59, waiting for a breakthrough—I want to encourage you: keep moving in the right direction. When it feels like nothing is changing, keep praying, keep praising. The greatest apostles endured their own 11:59 moments before stepping into their miracles.

In Acts 16:6, Paul attempted to go to Asia, but the Holy Spirit forbade him. Have you ever done your best to make something happen, only for God to place a stop sign in your path? Sometimes, when God closes a door, He is working for your good. If your breakthrough hasn’t arrived yet, trust that His timing is perfect. Paul didn’t walk directly into God’s will—he was redirected into it. He thought he was supposed to go one way, but God said, “Not yet.”

A closed door is just as much a part of God’s will as an open one. If you find yourself wondering when you’ll finally step into God’s purpose, remember: His “no” is often a “not yet.” It’s all about His perfect timing. You may be in an 11:59 moment, but midnight is coming! And with it, a miracle.

If you’re in a waiting season, don’t stop praying, don’t stop praising, and don’t stop moving forward. Paul didn’t realize that just a few verses later, God would give him a vision of a man in Macedonia calling for help. When he arrived, he found women praying by the river, and the power of God began to move. Even when Paul sought confirmation from the elders, they affirmed, “The Lord is in this—go!”

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